Better but not best

It’s so hot in here. My sweating like a pig.  

  See? Don’t I look sweaty and tired? 

Because I am.

Anyways, I feel a sense of relief over ending things with cling-master-supreme. But also a nagging sense that there’s something around the corner. Perhaps his saying, on two occasions during our conversation, that he wanted “to fight for me”. I got angry, said that that is absolutely the worst thing he could possibly do and that it would make me hate him. Ugh.

And you’ll be okay. You’re a strong person, Maybelle. After all, you’re doing better than your parents basement as a single mom destined to live in alberta squalor forever because you’re EX husband refuses to let you leave. I’m trapped. You’re not. Use your freedom! Make your life shine. Pray. Meditate. Love your soul and your body equally. You’re my only hope, let me live through you.

Farewell Sugar!

Starting day 4 of hardly any sugar and not stuffing my face, drinking lots of water (but no exercise sadly because I’ve been sick) and just weighed myself for the hell of it…. down 4lbs! The perfect jumping off point to start a proper cleanse. Bring on the skinny!

Gluten free cereal and Greek yogurt for breakfast and then Day 1 of 30 Days of Yoga!

Pictures of my attempts at being bendy to follow. Hah.


And again…

Well yesterday was a bust. I didn’t put one thing in my mouth other than cheetos and chocolate. And a can of cream soda. Heeeellllppp me.

You know why, right? I’m at my wits end with the boyfriend thing. I have to end it. Look what the stress is doing. I’m going to ruin my 8 lb progress! I can’t let that happen! It’s so nice not to have to lay down to button up my now only slightly less tight jeans.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow is the night. I will cut the cord. 

Jean out. 

Soooo bored

So as I begin my elliptical work out, again after eating half a bag of cheetos last night (how they keep appearing on my coffee table is a mystery), I realized that I do the same thing everyday. I always have good intentions of coming to the gym and lifting mad weights. And then I get here, climb on the elliptical and pedal my heart out for 30-60 minutes. 

Dang cheetos and lack of motivation. But at least I’m here…

Mary Ann! Get off your butt! It’s your turn to be lazy on a piece of workout equipment!

Monday back at it

Took a day off yesterday and ate 5 chocolate bars and 3/4 big bag of jalapeño cheetos. Oh well, what can you do. Also had homemade fish tacos which were amazing.

Still 23:15 left. This post didn’t kill enough time. Shoot me.